Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > This Loving Ignorance


This Loving Ignorance - A Prayer

The Prayerful Life No. 141

Jan 22, 2015

All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life

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A Confession to My Beloved, One

I must forgive myself, now, even as I ask forgiveness of You, for all the times I have spoken hastily of the Mystery bathing all life in a sacred night glowing with Light so bright, so immense, anything said is a mere hint of a Word so pure and true that the senses of mere humans can but intuit an echo that baffles the mind and dumbs the tongue.

Even the names and titles given You disappear in this wordless Word of all those words. You, implied in many names, but in one Name, which is the Nature of the Light within each creature in its particular Way. And, yes, the Mystery, that in Jesus, in Christ, I see with an inward vision, a spiritual reflection of You who loves all equally and chooses all the same.

This Light, You Are, You, closes my senses inside the Heart of Love, for this One-in-Many, this You, is only Love, and this One, this You, gives birth to the universe to lead me to love, and in loving to love You, Life. Therefore, through created things, I learn to love, and love You.

This does not make me believe less in You, only less in all that I have heard and said of You, and more in You - the Mystery of the Being Who loves me, even before I was born here in this place, as one with You and returning to You, One.

Then, save me from those of religion or un-religion who think they know so much of You, as overly to know you or overly deny you, and speak with such confidence of You or such lack of faith in Your existence. Save me from the pride in them, that I have seen in myself, that resists resting alone and only in the Mystery of Who You Are, in, before, beyond, and for all things.

If this means that I am to be less religious, make me so, or more religious, make me so. If this means that I am to live and die a heretic to those who esteem their beliefs more highly than the Mystery of You, then, make me so. If this means that I find no place in the church, make it so, and give me comfort in Yourself Alone, Love. If this means I find in the church a home here, make it so.

For I seek neither ir-religion nor religion, orthodoxy nor heterodoxy, church nor no-church. I seek You. I seek You, for only You can quench the thirst of the heart for Life, and Love. And, at the point of my death, knowing You, and not the estimation of others of my thought about You, or my place among others, shall be the wellspring of comfort, peace, and praise in my heart, as I leave this world with "Goodbye" and, hopefully, a gladdened and thankful smile. May it be so. Amen.

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We are each a lovely Rose in the Garden of Grace.

*White Rose, Pyogenes..., Flickr

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You



Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > This Loving Ignorance

©Brian Wilcox 2024